Marketing Your Church Online This Easter

“People are searching for “church” online around Easter more than any other time of year.”
Amelia Gray

Easter is coming. And—as it turns out—people are still looking for Jesus this time of year. But, instead of searching the tomb, they’re searching Google instead. And, while it might seem like you’re busy enough this Easter season, it’s essential to market your church online. It might even be easier than you think.


Why Your Church’s Web Presence is Essential this Easter

It turns out, people are looking for churches online. Google Trends is a website by Google that allows you to see and compare what people are searching for—across different time periods, geographical regions, and languages. A quick look at the Google Trends data for “church” shows that, year after year, the number of entries spikes right before Easter (followed by the Christmas season). If people are searching for churches around Easter, what should your church do about it?

Okay it’s time to have an honest discussion. When we say, “You should market your church online,” how do you feel? Do you have reservations?

If we’re honest, a lot of people probably do. Because of manipulative tactics and pushy salespeople, the idea of marketing can have a negative connotation—especially around churches and mission-based organizations. However, good marketing isn’t about that, but rather about finding the right people and connecting genuinely by building trust with them. If you know that there are people in your area who are searching Google for a church (hint: you can even use Google Trends to search locally and see what people are searching for), marketing your church online can be a great way to connect with people you might not

otherwise. Not only can you build new connections, but a strong web presence that is specific to Easter at your church can also serve as a central hub of information for those already in your church or those they might invite for the holiday.

Not sure where to start? Read on.


Web Pages, Landing Pages, and Microsites—What’s the Best Way to Promote Your Church Online?

If you want to put information about Easter at your church online, there are a few options. Don’t worry—we’re about to walk you through each of them so you can decide which is the best option for your church.



You could opt to add a web page to your existing site. Just like you might have an “About” section or a “Giving” section, your Easter web page would be a distinct section web visitors can navigate to while also being integrated with the rest of the website. Adding an Easter web page to your church’s website is pretty simple, so it’s a great option if you want to add information in a concise place.



Another option is a landing page. But…isn’t that the same thing as a web page? Well, yes and no. While it is a web page, it’s an uber-streamlined web page that leads people on your site to take a specific action—joining a mailing list or purchasing a product, for example. You probably aren’t going to be selling things for Easter, but a landing page can be a great option if you’re collecting RSVPs or contact information. The only downside is that it’s not directly part of your site, so it could lead to a confusing experience for web visitors who are trying to find more general information about your church.



As the name might suggest, you can think of a microsite as a mini website. They’re typically part of a different domain than your home site and have a distinct navigation and design. Since they are separate from the original site, they can be much more tailored and specific to their subject, such as an event or sub-brand. Okay, so let’s talk Easter. Say, for example, that your church is putting on an Easter event that’s not specifically connected with your church. Maybe you’re teaming up with a few other churches or maybe it’s more of a community event. A microsite can be a great option because it is entirely separate from your site and has a lot more functionality than just a web page or landing page. Understandably, this option is the most intensive to set up.

So you’ve got your options—what’s the best way to market your church online for Easter? That really depends on your needs. For most churches, adding a web page is likely the simplest and most effective way to get information out about Easter, but it’s worth thinking through your needs to see if one of these other options might work better!


Other Tips to Market Your Church Online

We hope that so far you’ve seen the importance of having a web presence and you’re a little more informed about your options on marketing your church this Easter. Putting information about your Easter services or other events online is a great first step. Ready to take it a step further?

Earlier we mentioned that people are searching for “church” online around Easter more than any other time of year. Well guess what? The same is true for words like “Jesus” and “Resurrection” and “Bible.” With this in mind, Easter can be a great time to create content that answers questions and encourages others. Even if you are simply sharing encouragement from other pastors or Christian leaders, this can be a great way to reach people around the world (and the internet) with the Easter message—even those who might never set foot inside your church building.

Putting information online about Easter at your church is a great way to give people access to information all in one place—but don’t stop there! There are so many options to market your church online and we’re here to help you tackle the ones that are most important to you. Check our free downloadable resource on building relationships through social media this Easter or some of our blog posts about Easter Design Inspiration or planning week-to-week for Easter.

Still feeling like you could use some extra support? It’s not too late to partner with Amenable this Easter season—let’s talk

Amelia Gray
Amenable Alumna
Amelia loves connecting with people through language by finding the right word for the right moment. She hopes that sharing her creative process will help other people be confident in their own. In her spare time, you can find her birdwatching or developing her Spanish.


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