Friends make friends
 of friends.

At Amenable, our work is founded on relationships. We don’t agree to projects just to keep the lights on. Instead, we want to ensure that our values and skills support the right people, and nobody knows that better than our friends. The most effective marketing is also the simplest—friends making connections. With that in mind, we want to say “thank you” every time you send someone our way.


Through the power of gift cards.

We want to share our gifts. And our gift cards.

How do they work?

As soon as you hear the word “referral,” your years of trained resistance to MLM schemes may kick in. Don’t worry—there’s no gimmick here. We aren’t sending you out to recruit people. We aren’t dangling a carrot and over-promising anything. 

It’s pretty simple—if you refer someone to us and they sign a contract, you’ll get a $50 gift card. We know what you’re thinking: “In this economy?” 

Yes. Pretty great, huh?

We’ve got a fun way to say thanks.

Every quarter, we offer a different gift card in lieu of gratitude hours as a way of saying "hey, thanks!" if you don't have a project. So many of our clients come through referrals, and it means a lot when you trust us enough to send one of your friends or professional acquaintances our way.

Likewise, we enjoy using these gift cards as an opportunity to share brands we admire. This quarter, our gift cards are for The Sill. With the days growing colder and shorter, houseplants are a great way to beat the winter blues. Plants make people happy, and no one understands that better than The Sill! What better way to add some new life and fresh air to your space than by bringing home a cute little green friend?

Amenable in a Nutshell

If you refer someone to us it’s helpful for them to know what exactly we do—we’re a branding and creation firm for mission-driven people.

 So, what does that mean? Basically, we’re here to handle communication projects or organizational challenges to give your team the space it needs to do its work more effectively. Everything we do is life-giving and constructive, and that’s what we bring to you, whether you need graphic design, an email campaign, or coaching in how to run a healthy organization.

All Gift, no grift.


What if I refer someone who already signed with you?

That wouldn’t be a referral, would it? This is for new clients only, so if you send a former client back to us, we’re grateful, but you won’t get a gift card.

What are the terms and conditions for getting the gift card?

The only term is “gift card,” and we’re pretty sure you know what that is. The condition is that your referral must officially sign the contract. Once they do, we’ll send you the gift card, regardless of the kind of contract. That means if your friend wants a small project or a full retainer, you still get the card.

Can I use my card for a project?

No, unfortunately not, due to the scale of projects. That said, if you choose to join us as a client, we have a similar program called “gratitude hours” where your referrals generate 5 free hours of work toward a project of your choice.

What’s the gift card for?

Circuit City! Just kidding. The gift cards will change every quarter, so check back in for updates on what the flavor-of-the-quarter is.

Want to talk to a real life human–without the pressure?

Kendra is one of those, and she was actually hoping you'd reach out. We'd love to hear more about your nonprofit or church and its mission.

Schedule a call with Kendra.

Amenable empowers mission–driven people to cultivate trust and communicate honestly through kind and creative brands.

We’re always collecting the best ideas and advice for mission-driven people and orgs.

(You’re gonna wanna hear them.)
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