How will you and your church prepare for this upcoming Advent?

As Lent leads to Easter, Advent is a season that leads up to Christmas.

However, in many cases, Advent planning has been reduced to holiday calendars filled with candy, dog treats, or other knick knacks. And while we have nothing against these, we’d love to help you meaningfully engage your church this Advent season.

Adventus in Latin means ‘the coming’, and that’s what Advent is about—intentionally contemplating what waiting on the Lord means to each of us, and how we can find hope in His coming during this season. Helping your church prepare their hearts for Advent doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think.

Advent Planning
While we’re not against big productions or events built around Advent, understanding the pressure that some churches feel around Christmas programming, we’d love to help you think about Advent planning differently. How can your church stir up uninterested or tired hearts for Advent?

Not sure where to begin? Our free downloadable resource might be a great place to start.

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