M*ney Shouldn't Be a Four-Letter Word

Few conversations are more taboo than talking about money…which is tricky when fundraising for small nonprofits. However, as a fundraiser, executive director, or both, talking about money is probably the majority of your job. This presents a unique opportunity—transforming and destigmatizing the conversation around money. Often, people expect to hear a leader talk about money when there is a building campaign, or they’re behind budget. Fundraising for small nonprofits should be participatory—not one-sided—work. It’s an opportunity to engage donors in God’s work, leverage trust, and envision a brighter future together.

In this guide, you’ll find three practical tools to talk about money more and (hopefully) raise some in the process:

  • Leverage recurring giving to increase giving and talk about your organization’s financial status regularly.
  • Utilize an annual report to highlight your mission, vision, and accomplishments.
  • Write an end-of-the-year letter and understand its significant role (even in the digital age).

Download our resource to learn how to talk about money when fundraising for small nonprofits.

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