New York City, New York

Emma Smith

Marketing & Communications Strategist

Emma is at the forefront of our mission to build trust by communicating the Amenable vision with honesty and joy. She strives to add a personal touch to everything she does because her work is relational. As she puts it, “You can’t know someone without first spending time with them!”

At the heart of her mindset is a passion for creativity, and she enjoys navigating the ever-shifting challenge of creating content that connects. She hopes that her excitement will be felt and shared by the people she works with, and she wants them to know that they are heard and equipped to implement their own creative visions, regardless of what they are. Ultimately, though, she believes that social media, emails, blogs, and other communications are more than the sum of its parts. She strives to ensure that each platform always highlights relationships instead of distracts from them. In her spare time, you can try to catch her searching for the perfect bagel in NYC, but she also runs half-marathons, so good luck.

Amenable empowers mission–driven people to cultivate trust and communicate honestly through kind and creative brands.

We’re always collecting the best ideas and advice for mission-driven people and orgs.

(You’re gonna wanna hear them.)
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