Louisville, Kentucky

Molly Severance

Social Media Manager

As Amenable’s Social Media Manager, Molly is responsible for helping ensure the smooth transition between producing written material and sharing it with the world. She helps keeps our online presence consistent and our dignity intact. For Molly, part of the appeal of her role is that every project is collaborative. In her words, “Every team member is different and brings valuable gifts to the table, and seeing all of them work together to produce great work is such a blessing.”

Likewise, Molly sees this collaboration as a site for maturation. As a student, she brings her desire to learn and adapt to her Amenable work, and she hopes clients and peers feel the same. She explains, “I am not done growing, and I want them to feel the freedom to be constantly growing as we work together.” When we asked Molly for some fun facts about herself, we learned that she is an avid crossworder and afraid of the ocean. We have to imagine that Finding Nemo is a fraught 100 minutes for her.

Amenable empowers mission–driven people to cultivate trust and communicate honestly through kind and creative brands.

We’re always collecting the best ideas and advice for mission-driven people and orgs.

(You’re gonna wanna hear them.)
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