Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Rachel Lohnes

Project & Relationship Manager

Rachel is our Project & Relationship Manager, which essentially means that if the team was at a pool party, she would be the person making sure that everyone had sunscreen and water wings. She ensures that team members and clients have the information they need and a solid plan in place so that everyone’s work can go efficiently. Her work is sustained by an analytical creativity, which she uses to effectively build trust with clients through transparency.

In her words, “Each opportunity that I am given to create forces me to challenge myself, solve problems, and ultimately, know myself better and what I’m capable of.” She excels at breaking giant tasks into manageable pieces, which gives clients the space to track their project as they see us collaborate to implement their vision in real time. Rachel proudly represents her childhood home of Hawai’i, and she’s only fourteen states away from completing her fifty-state checklist. When she isn’t creating detailed game plans for Amenable, you can find her with a book in hand or checking off films on her watchlist.

Amenable empowers mission–driven people to cultivate trust and communicate honestly through kind and creative brands.

We’re always collecting the best ideas and advice for mission-driven people and orgs.

(You’re gonna wanna hear them.)
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