What Makes a Good Nonprofit Board Member?

“Having active hands in the life of your nonprofit as a board member does not mean overstepping or domineering. It means being an engaged team player!”
Eliana Rivas
A nonprofit is only as strong as the team that supports it. From volunteers to staff members to donors, a nonprofit is pioneered by its people. Invaluable to this support system is a nonprofit’s board of directors, considered by many to be the backbone of the whole organization. While the tangible responsibility to govern and handle the legal affairs of a nonprofit lies with its board, the board members are also the ones who determine vision, mission, and direction. In handling these various responsibilities honorably, the board ensures that a nonprofit upholds the trust of its community by ethically carrying out its mission. When we realize that trust, purpose, and functionality are on the line, we realize the vitality of having a strong board of directors standing behind a nonprofit organization. With so much at stake, we must ask: what makes a good nonprofit board member?
Dysfunctional Boards Reveal What Makes a Good Nonprofit Board Member

Not all nonprofit board members are created equal. Some excel in their role, bringing valuable skills, passion, and dedication. Others, unfortunately, fall short, offering minimal contributions or, worse, hindering the organization's progress. So, how can you be a good board member, and what does a bad one look like? The Stanford Social Innovation Review denotes four primary modern downfalls of nonprofit boards: emphasizing fundraising above all else, being disconnected from their relevant communities, being unaware of the nonprofit’s larger field, and lacking diversity. A running thread connecting these qualities is the category of “soft skills.” Another key voice in this conversation is BoardSource. Boardsource’s 2017 Leading With Intent study observes further qualities of poor board membership. From being underprepared to failing to contribute, BoardSources denotes several “hard skills” that make up what it means to be a good nonprofit board member. 

So, if a faulty board member embodies the above tendencies, then a good nonprofit board member does the opposite. This includes prioritizing mission over money, knowing the people and communities the organization serves, being connected to the pulse of the nonprofit’s industry, contributing diversity, preparing adequately, and investing personally. Simply put, a good nonprofit board member dedicates their heart, their head, and their hands to serving as an active participant in their board term.

The Heart of a Good Nonprofit Board Member
A good board member is genuinely passionate about their organization’s mission. They are not just there because they were asked or because it looks good on a resume; they are deeply committed to the cause. Their passion is often contagious, and it drives them to put in the time and effort required to make a difference. To this point, it is vital for board members to understand the nonprofit’s mission and vision statements. These statements define the organization’s purpose and aspirations, guiding its activities and goals. A good board member’s heart yearns for the same things as the nonprofit organization. This alignment lends to investment, loyalty, drive, earnestness, and conviction.
The Head of a Good Nonprofit Board Member

A passionate heart without a rational, curious, and critical head falls short. First, board members should bring their expertise to the table. One of the primary reasons nonprofits recruit board members is to leverage their expertise. Whether your board members are skilled in finance, law, marketing, or another area, use their professional knowledge to strengthen the organization. Another key facet of the “head” of a good board member is staying informed, growing in knowledge, and leaning into learning. According to the Leading With Intent study, only ¼ of boards regard knowledge of the organization's field as a high priority in board recruitment, and less than 15 percent place a high priority on experience with a similar organization or industry. 

Say your nonprofit runs a local shelter or food bank—in order to function as effectively as possible, it is important to be aware of the other shelters and food banks in your community. Or, if you work for a nonprofit that fights human trafficking, you recognize that knowing the statistics and the common predation hubs is vital. Good board members should attend conferences, listen to podcasts, host lunches with other community leaders in the field, and read books new and old so that they can know the broader ecosystem in which their nonprofit functions. Likewise, the nonprofit sector is constantly evolving, and staying informed about trends, regulations, and best practices is crucial—board members should make it a priority to attend training sessions, and workshops to enhance their understanding of governance and the sector’s unique challenges.

The Hands of a Good Nonprofit Board Member

Finally, what makes a good nonprofit board member is active participation. They must be willing to actively contribute their time and resources. Whether it’s attending meetings, participating in fundraising events, or volunteering their professional skills, good board members understand that their role requires time and energy. Furthermore, as our founder Anna writes, “Some tasks fall through the cracks without clear roles, while others get duplicated.” She continues on to say, “Establishing clear roles and responsibilities is the first step in building a solid relationship between a nonprofit board and an executive director.” A good nonprofit board member knows what the scope of their role is and therefore is able to move forward knowing how to participate and participate well. 

What makes a good nonprofit board member is not just being an active participant, but knowing where and when to be active and when to take a back seat. Having active hands in the life of your nonprofit as a board member does not mean overstepping or domineering. It means being an engaged team player! Contributing “unseen” time is also a characteristic of a good nonprofit board member. A good member stewards their role well by preparing for each meeting by reflecting and providing feedback, reviewing the agenda, viewing financial reports, and reading any other materials beforehand.

What Makes a Good Nonprofit Board Member: Heart, Head, and Hands Together
The legal and logistic terms of membership for a board director are of great importance, of course, but these are much more measurable and tangible. It is fairly clear if a board member is falling short in fulfilling their contractual duties, but what makes a good nonprofit board member is often subtle. The heart, head, and hands of a board member must all be healthy and present to sustain a meaningful level of participation. Neither a passion for the cause, commitment to learning, or active personal investment can be sacrificed if you want a room full of healthy board members. By embracing the role’s responsibilities, acting as advocates, fostering collaboration, and staying informed, board members can help the organization thrive and create meaningful change in the community. Serving on a nonprofit board is not just about governance; it’s about making a lasting impact on causes that matter.
Eliana Rivas
Guest Author
Eliana thrives on turning chaos into creativity. Her favorite part of the process? Watching scattered notes, research, and bullet points transform into a cohesive, polished piece that tells a story—proof that even the messiest beginnings can lead to something beautiful. A self-proclaimed hobby connoisseur, Eliana is always up for trying something new and loves the challenge of mastering her next creative pursuit. She's also fluent in Spanish and uses her Master's degree in Divinity to bring depth, thoughtfulness, and just the right touch of humor to everything she writes!


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