Not all nonprofit board members are created equal. Some excel in their role, bringing valuable skills, passion, and dedication. Others, unfortunately, fall short, offering minimal contributions or, worse, hindering the organization's progress. So, how can you be a good board member, and what does a bad one look like? The Stanford Social Innovation Review denotes four primary modern downfalls of nonprofit boards: emphasizing fundraising above all else, being disconnected from their relevant communities, being unaware of the nonprofit’s larger field, and lacking diversity. A running thread connecting these qualities is the category of “soft skills.” Another key voice in this conversation is BoardSource. Boardsource’s 2017 Leading With Intent study observes further qualities of poor board membership. From being underprepared to failing to contribute, BoardSources denotes several “hard skills” that make up what it means to be a good nonprofit board member.
So, if a faulty board member embodies the above tendencies, then a good nonprofit board member does the opposite. This includes prioritizing mission over money, knowing the people and communities the organization serves, being connected to the pulse of the nonprofit’s industry, contributing diversity, preparing adequately, and investing personally. Simply put, a good nonprofit board member dedicates their heart, their head, and their hands to serving as an active participant in their board term.
A passionate heart without a rational, curious, and critical head falls short. First, board members should bring their expertise to the table. One of the primary reasons nonprofits recruit board members is to leverage their expertise. Whether your board members are skilled in finance, law, marketing, or another area, use their professional knowledge to strengthen the organization. Another key facet of the “head” of a good board member is staying informed, growing in knowledge, and leaning into learning. According to the Leading With Intent study, only ¼ of boards regard knowledge of the organization's field as a high priority in board recruitment, and less than 15 percent place a high priority on experience with a similar organization or industry.
Say your nonprofit runs a local shelter or food bank—in order to function as effectively as possible, it is important to be aware of the other shelters and food banks in your community. Or, if you work for a nonprofit that fights human trafficking, you recognize that knowing the statistics and the common predation hubs is vital. Good board members should attend conferences, listen to podcasts, host lunches with other community leaders in the field, and read books new and old so that they can know the broader ecosystem in which their nonprofit functions. Likewise, the nonprofit sector is constantly evolving, and staying informed about trends, regulations, and best practices is crucial—board members should make it a priority to attend training sessions, and workshops to enhance their understanding of governance and the sector’s unique challenges.
Finally, what makes a good nonprofit board member is active participation. They must be willing to actively contribute their time and resources. Whether it’s attending meetings, participating in fundraising events, or volunteering their professional skills, good board members understand that their role requires time and energy. Furthermore, as our founder Anna writes, “Some tasks fall through the cracks without clear roles, while others get duplicated.” She continues on to say, “Establishing clear roles and responsibilities is the first step in building a solid relationship between a nonprofit board and an executive director.” A good nonprofit board member knows what the scope of their role is and therefore is able to move forward knowing how to participate and participate well.
What makes a good nonprofit board member is not just being an active participant, but knowing where and when to be active and when to take a back seat. Having active hands in the life of your nonprofit as a board member does not mean overstepping or domineering. It means being an engaged team player! Contributing “unseen” time is also a characteristic of a good nonprofit board member. A good member stewards their role well by preparing for each meeting by reflecting and providing feedback, reviewing the agenda, viewing financial reports, and reading any other materials beforehand.